Saturday, January 18th - 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake, Sunrise Beach
Saturday, January 18th - 6:00 pm at St. Charles Borromeo, KingslandMISSION STATEMENT
We, the people of God of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Kingsland, Texas and Our Lady of the Lake, Sunrise Beach, in the Diocese of Austin form a faith community that challenges each to love and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ based on Faith, Hope and Love with no regard to race, gender, nationality religion or social standing.
There are several ways you can still support our church even if you can't physically attend Mass there. The members of OLOL should use the same address- their checks will be collected and given to their bookkeeper to deposit.
1. You may mail your offerings to the church at:
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
P.O. Box 1748
Kingsland, TX 78639
2. You may drop your offering in the black lock box next to the St. Charles Borromeo Church office door.
3. If you have "Bill Pay" through your bank you can add St. Charles or OLOL as a bill. If the bank asks for an account number you may use 1748. Use the above address not the physical address of either church. Your bank will mail the church your check. You can set it up for a weekly offering, monthly offering or whatever fits your budget best. This costs the church nothing and is usually free for you also.
As we continue to see the devastating effects of the fires in Southern California, you may have parishioners asking how to contribute to recovery efforts. Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is assisting directly with humanitarian relief through various local agencies on the ground and will remain present throughout this sure-to-be prolonged recovery. Therefore, we ask that all fundraising be funneled through CCUSA at:
CCUSA California Fire Relief Campaign
These contributions will ensure that funds are available quickly for things like shelter, food, and other humanitarian aid – to those most in need. Please also keep apprised of social media posts on our diocesan media channels which you may push out on your parish and school social media channels as well.
Thank you,
Very Reverend James A. Misko |